Wednesday, January 1, 2020


As the year ends, so does this daily digital diary in its previous form. It's been a challenge to produce so many drawings but as happens with nearly any repetitive action, it becomes more practiced and then less conscious, so that the process comes forward as the tools become more transparent. What that meant these last months was a chance to refine how certain drawing effects are achieved without worrying about mistakes--with digital drawing it's easy to correct because you just hit the Undo key. It has been an education and one that I intend to expand. That is, digital drawing (and perhaps, painting) will continue. And I will post more efforts as they happen. But if they don't appear daily, it will not mean nothing is happening. My mornings will still involve drawings, but they'll be both traditional and digital. So stay tuned.

For today, a favorite digitalium."Midas"

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